Friday, April 11, 2008


I've become rather obsessed lately with making random playlists in iTunes. I've found that most of these lists are the soundtracks to special memories in my life. There's the Summer '07 list with a collection of songs from my time on WLC staff last summer. I've got the Mallard Mix which is a collaboration of songs from my college party days. Tonight I made Cobleskill Country Night from a bunch of country songs that were part of my Wednesday night routine while a freshman at Coby.

It's interesting how music can trigger memories and emotions. I think back to sixth grade and the first CD that I ever owned (Space Jam Soundtrack) and to songs that I used to listen to while driving around in my first car ("In the End" by Linkin Park). I remember songs that I used as a State FFA Officer ("Your Life is Now" by John Mellencamp in my Retiring Address) and tunes that I'd hear drunk college kids cover in the worst karaoke attempts ever.

I could keep rambling on and on but I'll let Stevie Wonder wrap up my thoughts..."Music is a world within itself , with a language we all understand."

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