Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Supporting the Dentists of Greater Indianapolis

So I spent most of my morning at the dentist. I was in the chair for over 90 minutes and somehow managed to walk out of the office without ever getting my teeth cleaned. How exactly? I'm not sure but that is a post for another time...

However, before walking out the door, the receptionist spins around in her chair and asks "So are you guys keeping your convention in Indy?" Puzzled by the randomness of her question, I truthfully reply, "A decision hasn't been made yet but it will be either here or Louisville." She then elaborates by informing me that "it would be great if you would."

Immediately, two thoughts come to mind:
  1. We're contracted to keep the National FFA Convention here until 2012. Even if we decided to move it to Louisville, there's time to come to terms with that disappointment.
  2. While the convention stimulates the economy of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Area by generating $40 million each year, I'm pretty sure the dental industry sees none of that.
With all due respect: I'm willing to stimulate the economy of your office by $50 if you clean my teeth.


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